What We Do

BUILD provides students an opportunity to learn technical skills including design, welding, fabrication, repair, machining, media, and more through motorcycle fabrication.

Program competition elements also emphasize the development of strong teamwork and interpersonal skills.

The Teams

Teams of six students from local high schools are organized to design and rebuild a motorcycle to American Motorcycle Association (AMA) flat track racing standards. Each team is matched with at least one faculty advisor from their school and up to three mentors who act as coaches and team leaders, encouraging students to plan, design and complete their build. Each team is provided a motorcycle along with parts support.

The Build

Teams begin after winter break and have a budget to invest in their builds. Mentors are to control the "checkbook" and students create a budget, formulate an action plan, and fundraise. Each team provides photographic and/or video documentation of the process weekly and submits it. These program elements allow for additional student participants beyond the six build students. Schools retain ownership of the motorcycles at the conclusion of the “season” provided fundraising goals are met. 

January: Team organization, planning, and motorcycle disassembly

February: Motorcycle design and prep work

March: Work on the bike, team field trips may be planned

April: Motorcycle is assembled, running, and tested on a dyno

May: Cosmetics completed, judging, and final awards 

The Competition

Teams are judged on design, execution and completion of milestones throughout the build timeline. Teams are responsible for:

  • Bike design concept

  • VIDEO submission of full mockup 

  • VIDEO submission of running bike

  • Dyno Challenge Day 

  • Required full accounting of build - due along with raised funds

  • Bike Reveal and Kickoff off event with winners in Social Media and Art Bike awards 

  • Skills challenge showcasing what the students have learned and the awarding of the BUILD Cup

Standards of Conduct

All participants, adults and students, are expected to follow standards of conduct.


Each student should be treated with the utmost respect, and his or her welfare should be considered in decisions by the mentors at all times. Accordingly, the following guidelines for coaches have been adopted by the BUILD Board of Directors.

  • The mentor shall be aware that he or she has a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on the education of the student and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.

  • The mentor shall uphold the honor and dignity of the positiion. In all personal contact with students, officials, athletic directors, school administrators, the state high school athletic association, the media, and the public, the coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct.

  • The mentor shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse.

  • The mentor shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with players.

  • The mentor shall promote the entire BUILD program and direct his or her program in harmony with the total program.

  • The mentor shall master the contest rules and shall teach them to his or her team members. The mentor shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules.

  • The mentor shall exert his or her influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators, both directly and by working closely with team and program sponsors, booster clubs, and program administrators.

  • The mentor shall respect and support contest officials. The mentor shall not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or other participants is unethical.


  • Show respect for self and others at all times.

  • Show respect for the mentors, officials at events. Good comduct implies the willingness to accept and abide by the decisions of the officials.

  • Know, understand and appreciate the rules of the contest. Good conduct suggests the importance of conforming to the spirit as well as the letter of the rules.

  • Maintain self-control at all times. Prevent the desire to win from overcoming rational behavior.

  • Recognize and appreciate skill in performance regardless of team affiliation.